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General Hospital

FULL | General Hospital Spoilers Monday, August 26, 2024 | GH spoilers 2024

The upcoming episode of General Hospital on Monday, August 26, 2024, promises to be packed with intense drama, personal conflicts, and unexpected twists. The focus will be on Curtis Ashford bearing the brunt of others’ frustrations, the critical situation of Lulu Spencer, and various family confrontations that could shape future storylines.

Curtis Ashford and Jordan’s Frustration

Curtis Ashford finds himself in a challenging position as the episode opens, facing the anger of his wife, Jordan Ashford. Jordan’s frustration is directed at Curtis due to his perceived leniency regarding TJ Ashford’s recent actions. Jordan believes that TJ’s behavior has reached a breaking point and is deeply dismayed by the ongoing situation surrounding Christina Corinthos Davis. Christina’s recent release on bail has not been well-received by Jordan, TJ, and Molly Lansing Davis, who all feel that Christina should not have been granted such leniency.

Jordan is also pointing fingers at Alexis Davis, Christina’s mother, blaming her for Christina’s situation. This added layer of tension highlights the strained dynamics within the Ashford and Davis families, setting the stage for more conflict as they struggle with their respective grievances.

Maxie Jones and Lulu Spencer’s Life-Threatening Situation

Maxie Jones is grappling with the dire circumstances surrounding Lulu Spencer’s health. Lulu’s condition is deteriorating, and the urgency of finding a liver donor is becoming increasingly critical. The gravity of the situation is underscored by the fact that without a liver transplant, Lulu’s life is at severe risk.

Dante Falconeri is worried about Lulu’s condition and is actively seeking a solution. In a twist of fate, Dante receives a phone call from an unexpected source—Cyrus Renault. The call reveals that Cyrus is willing to donate his liver to Lulu, a gesture that comes as both a surprise and a relief. While Dante and the rest of the group are hopeful about Cyrus’s offer, they remain apprehensive about the implications and potential complications that might arise from such a dramatic turn of events.

Molly Lansing Davis’s Legal and Emotional Struggles

Molly Lansing Davis is facing her own set of challenges as she contends with the aftermath of her baby’s loss. She believes that Christina is entirely responsible for the tragedy and is considering legal action against her. Molly’s emotional turmoil is exacerbated by the belief that Christina’s actions have irreversibly harmed her family.

Adding to Molly’s distress, there is a glimmer of hope that her and TJ’s baby might still be alive. Rumors suggest that the first surrogate might have deceived them, and Brad Cooper could be the one to reveal this potentially life-changing news. Before any confirmation, Molly plans to pursue a lawsuit against Christina, seeking both justice and closure.

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Family Confrontations and Legal Battles

The episode also sees the return of Rick Lancing, who is determined to support his daughter Molly. This decision puts him at odds with Sonny Corinthos, Christina’s father, leading to a confrontation between the two men. The clash reflects the ongoing tension between the Lancing and Corinthos families, each defending their loved ones and their actions.

Alexis Davis finds herself in a difficult position, torn between her two daughters—Christina and Molly. Her indecision becomes evident when a confrontation between Christina and Molly occurs at the cemetery. During this encounter, Molly accuses Alexis of having supported Christina from the beginning, deepening the rift between mother and daughter. The situation escalates when Molly discovers Christina’s custody application in Alexis’s bag, intensifying her frustration and sense of betrayal.

Laura Collins’s Heartache and Hope

Elizabeth Baldwin steps in to offer comfort to Laura Collins, who is struggling with the possibility that Lulu might only have a few days or weeks to live. The emotional weight of Lulu’s condition is palpable, and Liz provides much-needed support to Laura as she processes the heartbreaking news.

In a surprising turn, Laura receives additional shocking news regarding her other son, Lucky Spencer. Lucky has been involved in a troubling situation and is being held accountable for his actions. Laura is faced with the challenge of addressing Lucky’s problems while dealing with Lulu’s precarious health.

However, the episode offers a glimmer of hope for Laura as she learns that a liver donor has been secured, potentially saving Lulu’s life. This development provides a brief respite from the overwhelming grief and offers Laura a renewed sense of hope.

Natalia Ramirez and Lois Chulo’s Tumultuous Situation

The episode also features Natalia Ramirez and Lois Chulo, who are dealing with their own personal and public struggles. Lois is experiencing jealousy and frustration, partly due to her reluctance to appear on television and criticism surrounding her daughter Brooklyn Cordain’s voice. The tension culminates in a heated argument, where Lois’s frustrations come to the forefront. Despite her victory in the argument, Lois remains unsettled, knowing that the press will likely continue to scrutinize her and her family.


Monday’s episode of General Hospital is set to deliver a blend of emotional intensity and dramatic developments. From Curtis Ashford’s conflict with Jordan to the potential resolution of Lulu Spencer’s health crisis, the storyline will explore complex family dynamics, legal battles, and moments of unexpected hope. As the characters navigate their personal challenges and confrontations, viewers can expect a compelling episode filled with twists and turns that will impact the future direction of the series.

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