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General Hospital

General Hospital: Ava Sets up Jagger to Take the Fall – Adam Harrington Out?

Hey, GH fans! We have got Ava Jerome behind bars and desperate to get out, and it could be that she sets up hunky FBI guy John Jagger Kates to take the fall for her.

Okay, so we’ve got Ava in the PCPD lockup for something she did not do. She did not push Christina Corinthos out that window, and again, can I just say this whole thing is ludicrous and badly written? I’m guessing this has to be part of why they did more firing and pivoting in the writer’s room because of junk like this. No matter how bad it is, what we have is Ava behind bars and Sonny Corinthos’ medicine crisis came out in the worst possible way—another badly written plot point.

So, Kevin Collins ran Sonny’s blood and found he’s got no lithium at all in his system. All of a sudden, Sonny, still with no meds in his system, is rational and making friends with Jason Morgan again? It doesn’t make any sense, and now he wants Jason to confront Ava. Remember, Sonny is still in this spiral, but they are acting like now that he has this information, everything’s okay. But it’s a chemical issue, and it’s still there—just bad writing.


Meanwhile, Jagger was with Ava at the PCPD jail, and he does believe her that she didn’t push Christina, and they don’t have a photo showing she did because it didn’t exist. Literally, Ava laid her hand on Christina’s arm when they were, what, five, six feet away from the window? So sloppy. But with John Kates promising to save her from Sonny, he has given Ava a glimmer of hope. The thing is, I’m pretty sure Jagger has no idea what might be coming his way.

Ava told him that Sonny will come after her and him both because Christina tripped over his bag when she fell out the window. Ava is being a sneaky little minx, feeding John Kates some interesting lies, some half-truths with some truths. And remember, Ava moved his suitcase away from the window and put her shoes there. So yes, Anna knows that Jagger was in Ava’s room, but nobody but Ava knows that his bags were under Christina’s feet—except Jagger. She told him.

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Then she told Kates that the pharmacist is a big problem for them, and Ava encouraged Jon to get that guy out of town for everybody’s safety. So, after Jason took off— I mean, after Jagger took off—that’s when Jason showed up and accused her of messing with Sonny’s meds like she did with Morgan. I mean, we all knew she was going to be blamed even before she was actually involved. And of course, Ava denies it, but she tells Jason she knows who did it and they did it to drive Sonny off the deep end. But then Ava tells Jason she’s not going to tell him who it is because once he has the info, her life is in danger.

But if you’ve been following this plot closely, you should remember Ava doesn’t know who swapped those medicines to start with. The pharmacist wouldn’t tell her; she only knew that somebody was paying him to do it. So, it’ll be bad news for her if Jason gets hold of that pharmacist because, you know, while he may rat out the original meddler, Valentin Cassadine, he would also tell him Ava ordered him to drop the lithium to zero and give Sonny placebos. And Sonny wouldn’t suspect Valentin—that’s probably not even a name on his radar. And only the pharmacist knows that’s who started this whole thing. But Ava tricked Jagger into running to the medicine man to get him out of town.


No doubt that pharmacist will be scared of Sonny’s reputation, and of course, there’s an FBI agent there telling him, “Pack your bags and skedaddle,” and he’s probably going to do it. That’s important because Ava doesn’t want her name coming out of that pharmacist’s mouth. And Jagger could be the key to getting Ava out of jail, but not in the way he thinks.

Ava did enjoy having him in her bed, but the thing most important to her is herself—we know that. No matter how nice Jagger’s been and how much she likes him, Ava would absolutely throw him under the bus with both hands to keep herself out of jail. So, I’m wondering if Jason promises Ava her safety in exchange for the name of who messed up the medication, what she will say to him, because she doesn’t have the name.

Too bad for Jagger because naming him would probably do the trick. Jason and Sonny would both absolutely believe that John Kates tampered with that lithium. Plus, if Jagger is caught on surveillance video hustling that pharmacist out of General Hospital, that’s a bad look—that is very incriminating. And maybe Ava knows that, maybe that’s part of her plan.

And you know, to be fair, Jason warned Jagger that he cannot trust anything out of Ava’s mouth and that she is not a victim, she is not a damsel in distress—all true things, and that’s why we love Ava. Plus, Sonny knows John Kates has been out to take him down. So if this is Ava’s plan, if this is her strategy, I think it would work. I mean, it would turn into Ava’s word against Jagger’s, where she said Jagger did it to take you down because he knew you’d be unhinged and that’s why he provoked you at the courthouse the other day to get you to punch him. And then Jagger can say, “No, no, it was Ava doing it because she told me that she found out about it.”

Actually, Ava didn’t tell him that she was doing it—remember she busted out the other person. So Jagger doesn’t even really have a leg to stand on with this if Ava starts lying about him. And I do think Sonny would believe Ava over John Kates even though she’s a viper in stilettos.

And if Ava goes this route, I’m sure Jagger will tell people she’s lying, but I think she’d still get away with it. The only ones who know the truth are Valentin and the pharmacist, and with both gone, Ava should be able to get away with framing Jagger for her crime. As for the Christina issue, that should be easily dealt with. First of all, she didn’t do it, so there’s not a picture showing her shoving Christina. That’s not a police surveillance photo; it came from— or even from a security camera—it came from Sonny’s guy, and Sonny’s in the middle of a custody case with Ava. So Scotty might be able to get that tossed out as tainted evidence—you know, get somebody in there to say the photos are rigged. Because we all know there’s just not a photo of showing it, because Ava didn’t do it.

As for Christina’s testimony and her asking Sonny to take revenge on Ava, Christina is looking for somebody to blame because she was irresponsible, that’s what I think. She should never have gone to Ava’s room to confront her about that subpoena—it’s already been served and that’s just, that’s what it is. Molly told Christina, “Just show up in court and tell the truth. That’s what you have to do.” So, her going to confront Ava was just a rash action by Christina, that was a bad call, and it triggered things that resulted in a senseless accident. But it was an accident, there’s no doubt of that.

In the end, I think we all know Ava Jerome’s probably going to come out of this just fine. She always finds a way out. And as for Jagger, there’s been some chatter, rumors that Adam Harrington might be leaving General Hospital. I’ve heard this in a couple of different places for a couple of weeks now, but he’s on contract so I hesitate to believe it. And one source said the reason that they think it’s happening is ’cause Adam Harrington doesn’t have a bio on the GH press site. Well, that’s nonsense. He doesn’t, but let me tell you why it’s nonsense. Because I’m on this press site all the time, and I can tell you the bios are crazy out of date. They still have Roger Howarth and Michael Easton on there, they have a fired producer still listed, they don’t have all the current cast member bios on there, so that proves absolutely nothing. That is not any red flag that Adam has been fired.


I do hope Jagger sticks around, and I’d like it if he and Ava had a real romance. However, I’m very worried that Ava’s fear of Sonny is going to override everything, and she will sacrifice Jagger to save herself. It would be a typical Ava move. So we’ll see how it goes—if the plot twists this way or not. Let me know what you think. Drop your comments.

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