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General Hospital

‘General Hospital’ Spoilers For Friday, May 24: Elizabeth makes things worse! Plus, Alexis continues the fight after learning who accused her.

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‘General Hospital’ (GH) spoilers for Friday, May 24 reveal Elizabeth Webber (Rebecca Herbst) is about to compound her mistake, big time. Meanwhile, Tracy Quartermaine (Jane Elliot) wants a favor. We’ll also see Alexis Davis (Nancy Lee Grahn) continue to argue her case. Here’s what you need to know.

‘General Hospital’ Spoilers For Friday, May 24: We can’t

First, ‘General Hospital’ spoilers reveal we knew as soon as that first young Gregory Chase (Gregory Harrison) picture popped up, the end was here. We also knew it was a moment that would hurt, as we’ve come to really love the character, and the writers definitely brought the feels

But it’s about to get so much worse. It seems Violet Finn (Jophielle Love) worries about forgetting her grandfather. The scene with her running to Gregory’s room to look for him after getting the news moved us.

And we’re expecting this to be another moment where a tissue or two might be handy. However, we also expect Brook Lynn Quartermaine (Amanda Setton) to handle this just as well as she’s handled the loss of Gregory so far. Which is far more than we can say for someone else.

‘General Hospital’ Spoilers For Friday, May 24: Making it worse

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Speaking of that someone, Elizabeth can’t shake her concern. Now, we’re not saying she shouldn’t have any concern at all. A loss like that can definitely trigger a serious, long-term relapse.

However, she was far too aggressive with it. It’s likely only been a few hours in the show’s world since Hamilton Finn (Michael Easton) lost his father, and he literally just got done telling his daughter the news when Elizabeth showed up.

Taking a more calm, casual approach like Harrison Chase (Josh Swickard) seems to be doing is probably far more helpful in this moment. If the conflict between them doesn’t make Finn’s mental state worse, her next move definitely will.

See, it looks like Elizabeth will tell Portia Robinson (Brook Kerr) about Finn drinking. In the promo, she asks Portia not to make her regret confiding in her. Is Elizabeth serious? Portia is Co-Chief of Staff at GH, and they recently had a lawsuit involving Finn.

Knowing an addict might be falling off the wagon is a huge liability and is something Portia shouldn’t just let slide. We think the better way of handling this would have been to speak to Chase later.

She knows Finn has someone there with him and waiting to find out how things went with Finn would have been a good idea. Besides, we have a feeling Finn isn’t exactly going to be rushing to work right away.

‘General Hospital’ Spoilers For Friday, May 24: Favors

In other ‘General Hospital’ spoilers, Cody Bell (Josh Kelly) and Stella Henry (Vernee Watson-Johnson) support Tracy. We’re bracing ourselves for this, because clearly Tracy will be reacting to the loss of her friend. Later, Tracy will ask Stella to do something for her. Whatever it is, we have a feeling it will be a way of honoring Gregory.

General Hospital spoilers Alexis continues her fight GH

‘General Hospital’ Spoilers For Friday, May 24: Game changer

Finally, Alexis insists had she known these things, she would have proceeded differently. Obviously, she’s referring to Ava Jerome (Maura West) being the one who accused her.

We don’t know if this will be enough to get Alexis’ license back, but we do know it will be an issue when Alexis returns to Port Charles. We can’t help but wonder what they will have Ava do next. It seems she’s the source of all bad things in town now, and we’re really not liking where this is going.


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