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GH Weekly Spoiler for Tuesday, 5-21-2024: Dex Loses His Ability To See? Kristina’s shock

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Sonny’s abrupt and violent outburst has instilled fear in those around him. Carly Spencer insists that her ex-husband’s erratic behavior is a result of issues with his bipolar disorder treatment. On Tuesday, Carly convinces Sonny to undergo a blood test, but the business tycoon asserts that he is taking his medication as prescribed and insists there’s no cause for concern. Despite Sonny’s assurance, he remains oblivious to how intimidating he can be. Jason realizes he can’t have a straightforward conversation with his former boss, so instead, he plans to investigate the medication Sonny is using.

Viewers anticipate Carly and Jason discovering that Sonny’s medication might be counterfeit. Meanwhile, Ava holds critical information that casts doubt on any hope for resolution. After Dex is treated for his injuries, he feels uneasy about Sonny’s behavior. Josslyn believes this is typical of Sonny’s interactions with those he dislikes and advises Dex to be more cautious in the future. Anna will soon be updated on the recent events at the wedding and urges Dex to report Sonny to the authorities, leaving Dex to ponder whether Sonny should face the consequences of his actions.

Christina remains in shock over her father’s aggressive behavior. Thanks to Blaze’s timely intervention, Christina receives necessary medical attention, preventing potential long-term effects on the baby. Christina, who has always admired and trusted her father, now finds herself viewing him in a less favorable light. TJ comforts her and reminds her to rest and relax for the baby’s sake.

Elsewhere, Sonny turns to Dante for help, finding himself in a legal predicament. Dante faces a moral dilemma, torn between his duty as a police officer and his loyalty to his father. The struggle between filial piety and fairness weighs heavily on Dante’s mind, leading him to seek solace in confiding his thoughts.

Meanwhile, Alexis and Diane prepare for their next move. Alexis is determined to return to her legal career, but the show’s spoilers suggest this journey won’t be easy. However, with Diane’s expertise, there is optimism that Alexis will find a way to achieve her goal. Enjoy your weekend and stay tuned for more developments on General Hospital.

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